
Not Enough

I had lunch with a friend, well, it’s interesting saying friend because I don’t think we have every hung out just the 2 of us alone in 3 decades. But I think that has more to do with our similarities than differences. We both were in theater and hung out with folks in a band, but our interactions were limited in some capacity.

But we both had weird childhoods and probably get put under the classification of complex PTSD granted with some differences. I was a lot more sick and her parents way worse. But we both have some raw underlying needs that it has taken a lot of time to dig into and discover how to work through them.

She is an amazing mother with a ton of kids, something I can’t understand how she survives simply because one has always been a lot. She reaches out on occasion when life is a lot to check in and I appreciate it. She is also a way better friend than I am, I would easily forget people’s birthdays if I haven’t loaded things into my calendar but she is pretty freaking awesome.

As we caught up and talked about life, men, children, growing up, regrets, losses, loves and acceptance of ourselves, it was incredibly reassuring to see her happy. Life isn’t kind, especially for some. You start off learning to early that lesson and it greatly taints your ability to not always be on edge. It’s cruel to learn when you are tiny you are not enough. That you are not important. That you are defective. You don’t get the normal hardwiring so you end up putting up with others’ behavior that you shouldn’t. Trust is hard. Abandonment is both expected and reinforces that you will never be enough. What is worse is that for people who haven’t experienced it, it is hard to explain. Why you stayed when you should have left, why you left before giving something a chance, why your responses are always couched in a level of emotion that doesn’t fully match what it is needed.

What is the worst part is you know that you are broken, and you can try your damnest to fix it, but deep down you know you can’t. You can’t fix the past. So instead you just try to accept it, act as normal as possible and not cause damage to others.

I am an odd duck. I crave stability and yet regularly embrace chaos. I work for a start up in tech. But I am good at my job because of the damage. Yes, I am smart and have skills. But I can disassociate easily which allows for really good at negotiation and client interactions. Because I am used to trying to read people to determine to try and prevent pain, I am really good at reading subtext and guessing what is the real drivers of folks thoughts and actions.

So because of the chaos of work, I seek stability in my personal life. But a love life can be dangerous and there have been very very very few men that have ever been able to get me to fully engage. That is of course out of fear.

But she would love to see me get together with a mutual friend. I get it, I do adore him and even as we have gotten older and I feel frumpy, fat and frail, he has gotten hotter with age. But I have always cared more about him than he has about me. And he is one of 2 men who could actually hurt me. Yes, I have male friends who could do some real damage but I mean romantically. Because I am a pretty strong independent woman. Lonely a bit but that is because I have learned to be alone and comfortable with it most of the time. It’s safer. But if I let someone in, really let someone in, be vulnerable in that way, I don’t know if I could handle not being important to them. Yes, kids come first, but I should probably be in the top 3. And one of those slots is clearly occupied by someone else, it was years ago and it doesn’t seem like that has really changed. And I can’t compete with an ideal that didn’t really seem to exist even if he was able to get it back. Years ago, I would have probably been willing to be second fiddle in hopes he would see me, want me for me. Hell, I did for a bit. But I’m too tired to put energy into someone who will never love me as much as what is really just a fictional character. At that point I would rather just have a fuck buddy and just have various Pride and Prejudice and Parks and Rec in the background for my own fictional loves (Mr. Darcy and Ben Wyatt, I like them dorky, witty and kind).

I am so happy she has her OTP. She deserves it. It oddly gives me hope too. Not that I am going to find my OTP. That it is possible to have something even when you feel like a wreck of a human being. That maybe I don’t need to be alone all the time. And that there is the possibility of amazing fantastic physical chemistry even at our age.

Okay, that last part definitely makes me jealous. There are days I would settle for really good sex and them deciding what is for dinner.

January 17th and I am back from the ER...ooops

It’s hard to explain my health because I don’t normally talk with others about it and it’s a bit all over the place. I’m not sure any of my friends truly know everything about it because frankly I don’t want to burden them with it. It started super young, before I was 1 years old and my father had to resuscitate me. My body and I have been fighting each other ever since.

And to be clear, it is fighting. Even when I am proud of my body or happy with it, there is always a when is the other shoe going to drop. Also, even when I have a moment to feel pretty, I see my scars and immediately feel broken. But I have had a lot of surgeries and even more hospital stays so there is only so much that you can delude yourself into believing before it just becomes, it is what it is.

I had tried to get my health in order, do right by my body. It was crying out with pain and I decided to be better. Did what I was supposed to do, see doctors, eat better, workout, wasn’t working. Now on the eating better part, to be honest, it was a half hearted attempt. Honestly I think if a man came into my life and said he would handle what to eat going forward I would fall in love immediately. I’m joking, but I got to say a man handling dinner on a regular basis is a total panty dropper.

Anyway, it wasn’t working, my migraines were going nuts so my dear friend insisted I go to a functional medicine doctor because they focus on nutrition for health and deal with multiple chronic illnesses, which I do have. Well they put me on this diet…and guess how my body responded…

Not well.

Both the functional medicine doc and my PCP said go to the ER. Apparently my electrolytes where super low. I was dehydrated and low on all sorts of stuff. Because it wasn’t just the diet, but also the Vyvanse, I was a total hot mess. I haven’t been eating enough calories and I was REALLY not getting enough salt. And how Vyvanse works, it just sucks up calories so it made it incredibly worse.

So two bags of fluids, a bunch of nutrients and fun stuff and I am back home. But I’m done with the diet. Yes, I should probably test various things to see if I feel better without them in my life. But we are going to do it in moderation, like one at a time.

I am not known for moderation but it is normally my doctors calling for it, not me telling them to slow down. So I am going to design my own approach. I have already proven I can live without pop, which is a very new experience for me. And I won’t keep it in the house. Doesn’t mean I won’t have one, but not every day. Or 5 a day. Same with candy. And I will up my protein. I need to figure that one out a bit more, but it is doable and will be good for me. Because of this experiment I was using protein powder and I felt a lot better. Well, until everything came crashing, but still.

And though I drink a lot of water, I am going to up it even more. But I am going to find ways to ensure I am getting electrolytes as well, I drank so much water while my calories and salt went down, I set myself up for this accidentally.

That said, I did say once this diet was over I would start looking into starting to date again. So…guess I need to see how dating works post-covid (well not exactly post, but ya know).

Vyvanse induced Poem - Breathe You In

I want to crawl into your arms

I want to bury my head into your chest

Feeling your heart tap my ear

As I turn my face towards your neck

So I can breathe you in

I want to lay like this while you jump

from topic to story to topic

I can listen to you for hours

And I will watch your lips

Wanting to taste you

You are intoxicating to me

Your heartbeat is a meditation

Your smell sends my inhibitions away

Your voice wraps my soul in a silk web

Yet I want to devour over and over

In my dreams I breathe you in

And my god they feel real

As if you could love me, want me

But they are nothing but dreams

And I need to exhale

So Vyvanse isn't good for women apparently

Due to the lovely Adderall shortage, I haven’t been able to get my prescription filled. This has been very problematic for me since I am a bit scatter-brained without it. And though I went a long time in life without it and had developed coping mechanisms, it’s been a hot minute.

So my doctor perscribed me Vyvanse. I started taking it on Wednesday and it was good, I could concentrate. But I started to feel light-headed. Now while this has been going on I also started doing this elimination diet which is horrible and I hate it. I can’t eat a lot of things. So I thought it was because of that. I have POTS which I refer to as fainting goat syndrome so I thought that was probably it. I wasn’t eating enough and certainly not enough salt (that’s a thing with POTS). So I upped it and started taking salt tablets. But it kept getting worse and worse.

Then yesterday I couldn’t stand more than 5 minutes at a time.

What was also weird is that in the evening, my balance started to go and when I laid down I felt like I was stoned. Now I would not mind being stoned if I had intentionally chosen to be stoned (I do miss that, it was a good migraine drug). But I hadn’t, so that was a really really big problem. And that wouldn’t be food related.

So I got up this morning, same issue. I called my sister and asked her opinion. It hadn’t even occurred to me it would be the Vyvanse since technically it is similar to Adderall, same underlying drug but made with a different compound and without the amphetamine salts. Once she suggested that (and Covid, which I was negative, yay home tests) I messaged my friend who is a drug dealer (pharmacy tech) and she sent back get off the Vyvanse, it’s a hot mess for women. It messes with your hormones and back door causes your blood sugar to drop.

So hopefully I will start to be better tomorrow once it gets out of my system (it and the thyroid med I take literally right after I wake up since I can’t eat with it). But…the experience of being “stoned” and laying in bed coupled with my desire to start writing more has sparked something in me and I’m starting to get my creative juices back.

I am NOT crediting the elimination diet for the inspo, I really really really want a taco. Or even an egg. Like fine no candy or coca-cola (for now, I know it wouldn’t betray me and be causing my migraines and such) but I just want a tortilla. Or pita bread for the hummus. Carrots suck with hummus.

But anyway, I did one poem, started another and had an idea for a short story. Gotta say it felt nice. I have been working on my ideal morning routine (I work well with lists and it has GOT to be something more than roll out of bed and start working) and I think I am going to add time to write in the morning.

Maybe I’ll write about that tomorrow. But first, embrace the ridiculous high and get prepared for the obnoxious amount of hoops I will need to jump through to try another drug since the government can’t be bothered to just build a DEA database that receives all controlled substances that are filled in pharmacies and build an algorithm to trigger if someone is filling more than they should instead of demanding that the supply be smaller and that patients and doctors sign contracts that have to be on file and make pharmacies track all the paperwork.

At the end of the day massive corporations already know I filled the damn drugs, who cares if the government knows. They scare me way less than when Target knows EXACTLY what I was craving at that particular moment and sends me an add for it.

Anyway, so yeah.

New Year Old Me Different Goals

I am 2 weeks into the new year and I have to say I am making a good start at my goals. I know, I know, they shouldn’t be around the new year you can start any time, all that crap. I also like to take an annual stock of my life at my birthday as well so suck it.

The last several years have been odd and I have swirled as I tried to deal with all sorts of issues. Work, relationships, my health, me, it has all had it’s issues. But when I started to take stock back in September (you know, that whole birthday thing), I realized that so many of the goals, what I thought I wanted, no longer fit.

I was still focused on “getting back to me”. The problem was the me I was focused on getting back to. Someone who wanted to keep exceling in my career, which I stopped wanting to do a while a go. Now my focus is firmly on making a difference but I still behave as if I was trying to climb the corporate ladder. I wanted to get back to being thin but I wasn’t focused on my health. I wanted to get back to dating but I kept putting it off, and when I thought about it part of it is because I was still attached to the traditional idea of dating then marriage and honestly, I just want someone who is good for me, have great sex a lot and who I can truly be vulnerable with. I don’t need them to be official or my everything. I don’t want a nuclear family. Honestly, I am not sure I ever really did. What I wanted was love, I wanted support and I wanted to feel like I belonged and wouldn’t be abadoned. And it’s the last one that really took some noodling because boy oh boy that has been a life long issue that has caused me a lot of pain.

I apparently don’t see value in myself unless I am useful. And since I don’t want to be abandoned my default is to morph myself into whatever I have to be to ensure it doesn’t happen. Workaholic, changing interests to fit the need, you ask - I do it. Now I could probably write a book about what got me to this point but let’s just say it’s a combo of family issues and survivor’s guilt, lol.

But when I look at the goals I see the thread of that through them. So many of these goals are what I think I should be and getting back to the person I was trying to become before. But that isn’t really me. So I went through and started to do things like clean out my closet, buy things that fit who I am not how I am defined, sign up for things I have really wanted to do for a while, and just started donating a bunch of stuff. Then I scheduled appointments with a therapist, nutritionist and functional medicine doctor. All in preparation of the new year and new goals.

One lovely thing about this is no one really reads this so I can relax with this site. I have rebooted it multiple times and I think what I really want is just a non-work site I can use as a writing outlet. So this is what it will be. My thoughts, opinions, my own journal without needing to write with a pen since my hand coordination is starting to get rough when I try to write for too long. It really is a use it or lose it skill.

So I will use this forum to capture and track my goals, where I am headed, my reflections and maybe some short stories or poems. The theme I chose for this year is to start anew. And that’s the point. I do want to get back to my old self, but my old self who loved to dance even in a grocery store, who went to GenCon to try new board games and who used to host weird theme parties to try new recipes on people. I want to write and not have it be about work or worry about SEO crap, I can use the other sites for that. I want to feel strong and bench press and run 5ks again. And I do want someone in my life. Someone who wants me just as much as I want them. But they want me for me. Not what I can do. Not what I can morph myself into. Not because they need a replacement for someone they used to know. Maybe I’ll find that, but I know, at least I will find me.

And edit this layout, ugh.

Half the battle with meetings can be the People attending them

This is a short post because I am actually going into more detail over at my professional blog on Medium. But here my other issues around meetings that I can’t post there.

I have been told that there are different reasons for not liking these aspects of meetings - I’m introverted, I’m a Virgo (yes, by a coworker in a meeting), I’m too busy, I don’t appreciate the impact on morale, etc. But no, I disagree. Some of these are just plain weird

1. Small talk at the beginning of each meeting - yes, I know, relationship building. Sure - the warm and fuzzy before the work begins. Problem is with most meetings I am already slacking, talking or have been in other meetings with the other folks multiple times that day, much less this week. I once sat in a meeting where by the time all the warm and fuzzies was over we had 7 minutes to plan a client meeting agenda….guess who just drafted it and sent for review after since jack got done.

2. We need stop trying to pretend like no one wants to be in meetings - there is always THAT person…it can take a bit to adapt to the communication styles of others, totally understand that. And sometimes going into detail is useful. Then there is a person who just can’t help themselves and feel the need to literally recap something they have said not just during that meeting but in other meetings earlier in long robust description. They are literally not adding more information. These are all aspects already known. And they communicate as if this is BRAND NEW to everyone. They might complain about meetings, but frankly it’s clear they like them. Folks who don’t like meetings might go into detail but will normally ask if everyone already knows, offer to send info for review after the meeting, open to offline conversations, etc. It is clear they want out. But those who do like meetings dominate the conversation and it is never with new info, new ideas or new approaches. It’s all recap and explaining the problem. Don’t care, stop. If someone doesn’t know the problem and it isn’t the true first time it is ever being discussed, they should call that out. Otherwise, be quiet and let those who are there to get it done, get it done. I was on a 30 minute call in which literally 6 minutes of actual discussion happened because one person took 22 minutes to keep restating the objective and issue anytime anyone said anything. Sincerely 1 person would say something that was under a minute and they would take like 3 and a half to literally restate the objective of the project…a project that had been getting worked on for months and we had weekly meetings for. This is a person who is trying hard to cover up they don’t know what they are doing or simply likes to hear themselves talk. To be clear - there are probably some people who would put me in this classification. I hope I have gotten better but I am sure I would get placed her by some folks.

3. Not the Time Not Place Person - this is the person who is there to bring up only their issue and cannot stay on topic. Not because they don’t understand, they simply aren’t interested. They could have even demanded to be included in the meeting and yet. They are there for others to know exactly the issue they are concerned about. It normally is directly effecting them and either is nebulous or weird. If you are trying to tackle a tactical emergency but then the person just keeps talking about the relationship to the client you have a Segway on your hands. Yes, Segway, we all know this impacts the client. That’s why we are trying to resolve this issue. This is not the time or place to discuss how to fix the client as a whole. Odds are the wrong people for that are on the call. Doesn’t matter to them. This is the same type of person who will stand up at a company wide and complain that there should be different toilet paper in the bathrooms because it’s too rough during open questions with the CEO (not joking, witnessed this).

4. Tangenter - I am incredibly guilty of this. I regularly ask my colleagues to pull me in on this because I know I am guilty of this. Now to be transparent, I am paid to find quicksand. I am paid to find alternatives if Plan A doesn’t work. I am paid to assess risk and ruthlessly stack rank priorities. I am also responsible for relationship building, account management etc. I sit in the field where meetings = productive while also being asked to be strategic and thoughtful around needs. These often can be diametrically opposed. Both take up a lot of time but operate in different ways. If you need to research, brainstorm, design and pressure test, that takes chucks of time to do all that. Attention switching is bad for that. But relationship building, especially with clients, means sitting on meetings that in all honesty, you don’t actually contribute a lot to but have a tendency to be a lot of them sporadic throughout the day. So tangenting in research is incredibly valuable but HORRIBLE in meetings. Plus I have ADHD so focus is either laser or nothing. These folks can derail a meeting FAST and prevent it from getting anything for the original goal done. It’s not intentional and odds are is just triggered by something someone else said that they noticed and started to go down that rabbit hole. They are annoying AF. If you are one, acknowledge it, tell your colleagues to hold you to account and stop making people have to schedule more meetings just because you have the intense focus of a dog (referring to the move up - Squirrel!)

5. Always late - I get it happens. But if it is always happening, don’t play victim to circumstance and fix it. Everyone else’s time is valuable, stop. Or say you can’t attend. Don’t make it our job to stop the progress of the meeting to catch you up. That’s on you.

6. Are you coming? - Related to the always late is the person you always have to ping. I get it, it happens. But if it is always true, dude. Come on. Decline the meeting then.

I could keep going on but I think you can guess why I didn’t put these into my professional ones. And the examples referenced are not from my current job. I am smarter than that. Plus to be clear, I don’t think a single person I currently work with would ask my CEO about upgrading toilet paper. They are too smart for that.

I will stop complaining now but I will say if you don’t follow Corporate Natalie on TikTok or Instragram, you are missing out. She feels the pain - or

Lessons from Motherhood Part 1

There are a lot of stories about being a mother I can tell. My son is 23 years old and I have learned a lot about what to do and not to do. I have been incredibly fortunate to have pop culture really help me to be a better a parent. I know, that is a weird ass statement but it is true. I love my family very much but I went into motherhood wanting to be the exact opposite of my parents on a lot of fronts. And there are still aspects of my relationship with my family that still make me cringe and think “I must never do that to my son”.

It’s not like I look at my life and think, oh, it was horrible. Far from it. There are aspects of my life my parents had no control over. Being sick so much was just as much of a burden on them as it was for me. It was my body that had the surgeries but to be honest, the idea of seeing my son in a hospital bed the way my parents had to see me? I don’t know where they got the strength.

We were poor, especially when I was very little. Times were there was just broccoli with an American cheese slice on top was dinner. But the rest of my family would never of let us starve, that is a given. There were also the mental aspects as well. I wasn’t just a daughter I was a best friend. And there were things put on me as a child that probably shouldn’t have been. When my stepdad came into my life at 7 I had to approve right away. When he proposed, I was part of the decision. At one point he told me I had to stop trying to take care of my mom, because that was his job now, and I needed to be a kid. I was 8. If Joe hadn’t of been a functioning addict with his own childhood trauma he never fully managed to work through, the rest of my childhood probably would have gotten much better. Like you’re not my real dad to I love you dad Disney channel movie better. But though I loved my dad, I also can acknowledge the other issues that came that I to this day still have scars, so literal, from.

My parents were/are not bad people. I sincerely do not know of a single person who has perfect parents. And mine were so young. My mom is 19 years older than me. She was still a child herself. She was married, had a child, moved three times (Air Force brat here), divorced and had a child who almost died once and had one surgery already by the age my son is now. I do not fault her for a single thing. How she didn’t end up completely insane is beyond me. But it did leave me with a lot of - I’m not doing that.

My son was a surprise. I didn’t think I could have kids. He is completely aware of this. Primarily because I call him my miracle baby. Not because I got surprise preggers. Yes, that from a timing perspective sucked. The pregnancy was horrible, the delivery weird, sure. But my kidneys are not normal. I technically have kidney disease due to all the damage I sustained due to bad treatment when I was a baby on the Air Force base (that whole almost died part) and a tumor that was ignored by a shit doctor who was too busy shaming my single parent mom for working to actually notice a 4 year had a large bulge in her stomach that was rock hard. It grew so large that it did damage to my ureters that in turn messed m\up my kidneys even more until surgeries 2 and 3 went in to fix them. It’s obvious why I work trying to fix the healthcare system to hold folks to outcomes, doesn’t it?

No, the miracle is that he didn’t do more damage. See, yes, I have one ovary. Yes, there was a massive amount of scar tissue that wrapped everything and still liked to be a dick and grow. But those were to prevent from getting pregnant. No, the real fear came from pregnancy causing damage because as much as we like to pretend in this country and pregnancy is this beautiful pleasant thing, there is a reason so many women have died of it throughout history. That shit is HARD on your body. Massively. I won’t go into details but if you want to talk about the fear aspect of what it could do go watch Steel Magnolias.

But God love him, nothing got worse. In fact, the ovarian cysts, aside from a flair up on occasion stopped after him. He made things better for me. But my doctors were not inclined to want me to take that chance again. To put bluntly, orphan my son or at least need a kidney transplant, so the one tube got tied.

I have always wanted a ton of kids. I love children. I wanted kids when I was little and that has never lessened. But my body, it has different plans for me. And it took me a while to accept it.

And as I got older I realized maybe that was for the best anyway. I have not always been the best parent. I have made a lot of mistakes. Like holy shit a lot. But having only one has allowed me to grow and learn from those mistakes because I have the time and energy to learn with the one. And that in turn has made me a much better person, I think. I have screwed up on a lot of things. But I have also excelled in others. And being able to do so influences so much of my other life, especially my work.

I will be doing more of these and going into my mistakes. This is more of an explanation of how it started, some of the main drivers of my initial viewpoints of parenting and why it has evolved.

Letting some of this out is just plain therapeutic. Some is really just trying to better understand how I got there. But all of it comes from a place of love. I love my parents. I love my son. I love being a mother. But damn is it hard. Damn do you feel like a failure a lot. The regrets are countless. And all you really want is that your child grow up to be a self-sufficient adult who has a life they want to live. Which in today’s day, is incredibly hard. My God how much has changed since I was a kid. So this will be more of a true figure it out as I write kind of posts.

I wonder how many parents have made the same mistakes I have made or feel the way I feel.

Grandma and Son

Grandma and Son

TV Hot Take - Watcher's Puppet History

Back in 2016 Buzzfeed started a new show called Unsolved. It started with true crime and starred Ryan Bergara and then Shane Madej joined in. They then added in Supernatural and both shows appealed to my murderino nature and deep love of abandoned spooky places. I was hooked pretty quickly.

Then Buzzfeed tried a show called Ruining History hosted by Shane but never continued it. But as a person who loves weird history as well, this tickled my fancy quite a bit.

In 2020 Ryan and Shane started a company along with Steven Lim, started a production company called Watcher (after an episode of Unsolved) and started to make their own shows.

One of those shows - Puppet History.

First, I should way I have Puppet History t-shirt because my son knows I love this show so much. So I am just putting out there this is a fan’s perspective. This is a delicious mix of weird history, rigged game show, cursing puppets and a varying genre musical conclusion to summarize the moral. It’s weird, fantastic and funny as hell.

It seems like it shouldn’t work. For dozens of reasons. In one episode there is a God puppet. And yet, this is a wonderful corky show filled with warmth that makes learning history really quite entertaining. One thing that I hated as a kid was how boring history was. It made no sense. It was dates and wars but rarely covered the why and impact of decisions made. And yet, we all know that we are living history and know that it isn’t boring, so how could the past be that boring?

As I got older I realized it wasn’t history that was boring, but how we teach it. My role models I now name were never mentioned in history books but shaped history more than they were ever given credit. Agrippa alone shaped so much of western history and yet most give his bestie all the credit for his accomplishment, Augustus.

This show focuses in on exactly this type of history. And it then makes it even better by having these ridiculous and adorably wonderful puppets. I would literally have any of these on a bookshelf without any hesitation. The quality of these are surprisingly good.

But honestly, the songs. I can’t even begin to describe appropriately how hysterical and good they are. It is a low key flex showing the talent involved that these take to make. Go check it out.

So, yep, highly recommend. :)

May 2021 - Will this month be the month that everything changes?

Have you ever had those moments when you life when you have a lot happen all in a short period of time and you just go, oh, wow, all at once, okay.

I have had that happen a decent amount in my life.

New school, surgery and 2 baby sister all in less than a year? Okay.

Grandpa dies, adopted, baby bro and baby sis? Odd.

Pregnant, married, move to another state? Sure.

Dad dies, long term relationship breakup, multiple promotions. Hmmm.

Now for some they will say it’s all planned but it is just coincidence most of the time when things all come at once. Things happen all the time but when they are clustered to together which in a random scattering will happen, it becomes more memorable simply because the sense of stress is heightened.

But so often those moments are heavy enough to shift your life because there is a cascade effect from the events.


Reaction to one event can impact behavior that can trigger others. Pouring myself into work because of loss definitely helped the promotion issue. Pregnancy links directly to the marriage. It isn’t so much that it is meant to be and more that by focusing on one aspect other things either sharpen in focus or loose energy that was once being given freeing up to be put elsewhere.

Well, this year has been a struggle. There is a lot to that statement but this year has really left me with a sense of being trapped, being overwhelmed (which is carry-over from last year) and fearful. But I’m not okay with that. Normally I am pretty bullish on my own abilities. But I have had my sense of my own competence being whittled away lately. Yes, that is a loaded statement and I could give more detail but I won’t because fundamentally I am not okay with it. But I have been scared. And I don’t like being scared unless it is a haunted house or a horror movie.

So I’m taking a huge leap tomorrow. There is no net, no harness to make sure I don’t hit the ground. I just have to have faith that I will be okay.


So since I am leaping I was thinking, maybe I should see if I can make it one of those “it’s all happening at once” type of moments. But actually plan it.

So I picked three areas of my life I want to “get right”. Finances, my health and my friendships. The past couple of years have been a hot mess for these. My bills are paid, I’m not dying and my friends are still there but I haven’t been focused on them. I have been cocooned in a kinda bleh mood. I have become anxiety riddled introverted large person. I used to be an active person who went out with friends at least once a week who was still anxiety riddled but in a more manageable way.

So - I want to use May as a reset month. I got the book 30 day money cleanse which fits with the goal.

I have taken weight and measurements today and are building a calendar for working out for the month.

I am literally scheduling not just “meet-ups” with friends but when I will call and text friends. That one feels the weirdness but if they recommend scheduling dates with your SO to ensure the relationship is prioritized, then why wouldn’t I do the same to reset my frankly bad friend hermit behavior I have had recently.

And given that tomorrow will be a hard day but hopefully a good one, planning on how I will stay on track will be important. When I am not feeling on top of my finances or eating crap and laying on the couch, or not leaning on the people who really do love me and more importantly be there for them, I feel like a failure. And that in all honesty has just fed the fear.

So that is the goal for May. Part of the goal for the reset is also trying to remember that this is here (I do pay for this so if I’m not going to use it then why?). SO I will keep posted as of the progress.

Lessons from 2020

2020 was hard. I know, understatement. But it was an overwhelming year that made me look at my goals, my reactions, the hang-ups I have and the long ignored issues I haven’t ever taken the time to deal with because I didn’t want to.

My health was a hot mess and I am not happy about that but it made me realize something weird I have never really dealt with, my own mortality. Yes, I have a will and life insurance. I have a playlist for my funeral, but there is an aspect of mortality I didn’t really ever deal with, my body breaking down. Experiencing things that drove home the consequences of my bad choices. I eat like I’m 16 and drink coffee like I’m 20. I can work 16 hours straight and then get back up for an 8am meeting. I workout in spurts, often inconsistently and at the luxury of my work schedule.

This is the year the chickens came home to roost.

Which given the lovely coupling with the massive pandemic going on, left me in pain quite a bit. I realized I was taking meds that didn’t work together and were making things worse. My mom diagnosed my issue and sent me to the doctor to ask for specific tests which as a 43 year old is a bit embarrassing. My son just informed me that I need to stop being a stereotypical man about my health and has decided that while I am traveling for work (whole other story) he will be addressing the food issue. I also promised I would schedule an appointment with my doctor for when I come back home from the trip.

Yes, I am being lectured by both my mom and son. So, obviously, this needs to be a priority for 2021.

Then there are my finances. This year I should have saved a ton of money, I wasn’t going anywhere or doing anything. Instead impulse control went out the window and if I wanted it, I got it. Shopping, like food, is a comfort for me. And in a world that felt so out of control I leaned into shopping to feel some.

Obviously, not the smartest there. Especially not feeling well, Door Dash became the default for dinner. I definitely supported our local restaurants but not exactly helping the first issue and certainly not helping my long term plans.
I want to retire early.
And move to where there is no snow.
And learn to surf.
And climb small mountains.
And be near water.

The money makes more sense going towards that, not having random stuff delivered.

And my desperation to address the first issue maybe me gullible to scammy crap to address it, further worsening issue 2. Yeah, it’s like any sense of financial maturity went out the window as I tried to address my climbing the walls with things since I couldn’t have experiences.

Which really highlights the main issue. I felt lost. I am not a super social person but I do love to experience things. Those I love I enjoy their company from time to time. But things like wandering the Art Museum or seeing a popcorn flick on the big screen or just walking through a book store are all things I do center myself.

And it was all gone. All shut down. And in it’s place was fear. And worry. And sickness. And death. And conditions coming from the disease. And fighting. And just absolute disgusting behavior and selfishness. And people who are trying to help breaking down.

Quarantining in my house, I felt trapped. And not by what I couldn’t do. That was bad enough but I’m an adult, I get it. No, I felt trapped by the sense of helplessness for others and anger for the stupidity of jackasses who thought that a disease that has impacted the world, the full world, was somehow REALLY about them. That level of delusion and selfishness literally made my stomach sick to hear. And even though I wasn’t interacting with people in person I couldn’t escape it. And it started to feel like maybe there wouldn’t be a 2021. Not because of the Covid but because of us. The world would continue on but maybe we, Americans, wouldn’t. When people believe in conspiracy theories where the only evidence is hearsay from non-verifiable folks because that gives them more comfort than the truth coming from people with data to back up their claims, it calls into question how long a country can survive like that.

I have never been a doomsday prepper, but I have to admit, I ordered emergency supplies.

And I think that is at the heart of all of this. I didn’t have a solid foundation to rely on when the world started to spin faster than I was used to. And to be clear, the foundation is available to me, I just sank into myself instead of reaching out for support.

And that I think is the greatest lesson for me for 2020. I need to be open. I need to make sure I do things for me that bring me calm. I need to hold those I love closer because though I love the experiences, it’s better with them than alone.

So though I have New Years Resolutions and Goals and such, the biggest in 2021 is to be there for those I love. Like really be there. To listen, to ask for help, to give and be willing to receive. Because, without them, all I see is the crazy. And if I hold them close, the view will be much better.

Just Block Them, It's Okay

This year is really making me take stock of who in my life is important and what relationships are real. Differences of opinion on comedy, movies, food, youtube channels, even religious, economic theory and political beliefs, sure. Heck, I have had long discussions around the various schools of ethical philosophy and had a freaking blast even though we didn't agree.

But there are specific morals that no, are non-debatable. They are at more core, they are not up for debate. And most importantly why would I waste energy in doing so.

I am Catholic. I see people wrap themselves in religion as a justification for absolutely ABHORRENT behavior. It is clear to me that they don't actually believe in God though they claim to. And mind you, I am not saying Atheists, I am saying people who straight up claim to be Christian and yet fail to follow the basic main tenets of the faith.

So why am I going to spend time pointing out the fault in their arguments even by pointing it out with their own religion? Isn't it better that I not debate the Priest, Mayor or Levite that passed by the injured man in the gutter about why they were wrong to do so and instead use my energy to help the injured man? (Good Samaritan reference).

People primarily learn behaviour best in two ways - by example and by consequence. I have yet to see "debate" work well for anyone to learn since by definition you have to purposely argue your point to win, not learn. So be the example and hold them accountable for their poor choices. They are not children still learning I'm assuming, so at some point as an adult you need to own your mistakes when you are called on it.

So block who you want. It's not your responsibility to waste your energy trying to convinced them they are wrong. History, God, probably both, will do so regardless. If they were actually interested in learning in the first place they would get off this hellish website and go to a library.

What is weird to me is that I think opening is probably going to cause more small businesses to go under.

Here's the logic. Right now they can access loans, insurance, etc. Their employees can access unemployment and insurance through the emergency legislation and such. Now none of this is perfect, but there is at least something.

Most of these businesses are running on large margins. We know that supply chains are starting to get impacted and will be for a while because the rest of the world isn't opening up yet and a lot of what we get isn't from here, so pricing for things will go up over the next couple of months.

So let's assume that things just turn back on, no new rules on social distancing or capacity, even though we all know that will probably happen.

Do we actually think that everyone will go back to normal on going out and such? Even in places that are opening up, they aren't seeing people rush out to even previous normal much less for how much everyone is complaining.

So what happens if a restaurant that was running on a 10% margin only comes back to 75% of previous business? What about their workers? Not because of social distancing rules but because people aren't willing to risk being around folks.

Surveys are showing majority of people are in support of the restrictions so even if people venture out once things relax they probably won’t go to as many places as they would normally go.

So what happens to businesses that now have new regulations that will limit amount of folks and have some additional costs but also have folks who were normally willing to consider going there but are now skittish? And most importantly, no safety net for them or their employees because they were allowed to open back up.

They don’t get to be “too big to fail” or are essential. I think we will see a lot of bankruptcies of small business and more empty building syndrome come next year. And that saddens me way more than being stuck in my house.

Putting Death Counts into Perspective

So people have been talking about risk and numbers and I realized that I don't have a good sense of how many people actually died from certain things. It feels like millions died in WWII but if you are talking about just American GIs, the number is 291,557. So I went down the rabbit hole. I didn't include everything obviously, but I did include day count estimates since that helps to put things into perspective as well. But it also doesn't show other things. Death counts don't include those injured and for wars, probably don't count potential civilian completely like Revolutionary and Civil. People used to pack picnics to watch the battles and I don't think any of them would be included in death counts.

So, if someone starts quoting statistics, including myself, here is a cheat sheet of a bunch of death counts to help put those statistics into perspective. Also, links to where I got the numbers at the bottom.

Deaths in United States or of US military for war related counts

2 deaths from rabies in 365 days

400 deaths by an animal(s) in 365 days

1,330 deaths by cold exposure (freeze to death) in 365 days

1,347 deaths by airplane crash all types (2018) in 365 days

2,260 deaths War of 1812 (1812-1815) in roughly 1,000 days

2,445 deaths War in Afghanistan (since 2001) in roughly 6,800 days

2,446 deaths Spanish-American War (1898-1902) in roughly 1440 days

2,977 deaths 9/11 terrorist attacks in 1 day

4,431 deaths War in Iraq (2003-2010) in roughly 2,555 days

4,435 deaths Revolutionary War (1775-1783) in roughly 2,900 days

12,000 deaths lowest year for death by flu annually between since 2010 in 365 days

16,217 deaths by murder (2018) in 365 days

27,000 deaths by HPV related cancers in 365 days

36,574 deaths Korean War (1950-1953) in roughly 1,000 days

37,133 deaths by car accident (2017) in 365 days

47,173 deaths by suicide (2017) in 365 days

52,088 deaths by car accident if including estimated 14,955 saved by seat belts (2017) in 365 days

53,402 deaths World War I (1917-1918) in roughly 700 days

55,672 deaths from Flu and Pneumonia (2017) in 365 days

58,220 deaths Vietnam War (1964-1975) in roughly 4,000 days

61,000 deaths by highest year for death by flu annually since 2010 in 365 days

65,510 deaths by Covid-19 in 62 days

70,000 deaths by overdose (2017) in 365 days

83,564 deaths by diabetes* (2017) in 365 days

121,404 deaths by Alzheimer* (2017) in 365 days

169,935 deaths by accidents including car accidents - unintentional injuries (2017) in 365 days

291,557 deaths World War II (1941-1945) in roughly 1,450 days

498,332 deaths Civil War in roughly 1,450 days

599,108 deaths from Cancer (malignant neoplasms in 2017)* in 365 days

647,000 deaths from heart disease (includes heart attacks, AFIB, rheumatic fever, etc. in 2017)* in 365 days

*primary cause on death certificate

Covid-19 and my biggest fear

This is my biggest concern with this virus. It's not the mortality aspect. It's the after effects and hidden issues we are just now finding out.

Let's say .1% dies in the US. I was going to say .01% but we already surpassed that, so .1% is 330,000. We as of this morning already have 63,746 deaths with about 57,000 happening in April (more than the flu total deaths which is throughout a year). And April was with social distancing in effect for at least parts of the country, I think it is plausible that we get to 330k before this is said and done, especially since we are 20% there already.

Now that number sucks - we have already had more deaths than every war we have fought other than WWII (291,557) and Civil War (498,332). In April alone we had more deaths than car accidents (38,00 - seat belt laws estimate saving about 14,000 lives annually) kill in a year, so 330,000 will have a true impact on society.

But that's what concerns me. The flu doesn't mess with your brain. The flu doesn't kill your liver. This is happening with this little #&(#&*$ virus. So for those who survive, a sizable portion will have some long term affects.

These are people who are going to need some sort of continuum of care after. They will not be able to function to 100% after this. And we aren't sure what the long term aspects are yet because it hasn't been enough time to be long term to see.

Yes, it could be SOOOOO much worse. OH DEAR LORD can you imagine if measles mutated, whether by nature or was made into a bio-weapon. Small pox? Holy crap. I don't even want to imagine. But that's the thing.

We need to balance safety with living a life, but we also need to be prepared for the inventivable outcome of what this is going to do to folks. Whether we open up today or open up 2 months from now, there will be a lot of people who will be forever impacted by this and we, as a country, need to figure out 1 - how to make sure they are taken care of because in this war they are our injured vets and 2 - fund and put into place safe guards so if a new virus pops up again, and it will, we are better prepared. We used to be. We defunded it. And look what not being prepared did.

We need to teach basics of finance and economics

So often I am seeing people talk about cost.

Cost to keep businesses closed during the pandemic, cost of universal healthcare, cost of doing things to improve the environment, etc.

But what I don't ever see from those bringing up cost is the other side, current costs we are already paying and costs of not doing it. Every action, even inaction, has a cost. Sometimes it is really obvious, like not grabbing a child who wandered into a street when a car is coming, sometimes it not so clear.

There are real costs to inaction or maintaining the status quo. And I think we, as a country, have not done a really good job of showing people how to do a cost/benefit analysis on these things. Yes, it's math but it is also economics. And I think it is important that when people talk about economics and also personal freedom, we actually think it through.

I'll take an old example that I always found weird. A company says that they do not want to pay for women's health (I'm saying women's health because as a person who has a hobby of growing ovarian cysts I was put on birth control to help control those and not need more surgeries years before I became sexually active) because it's against it's religion. Okay, on the surface that is a personal freedom decision. But not exactly. First, it is the personal freedom of the person(s) in charge of the company. By them exercising their personal freedom they are directly violating all the personal freedoms of all those employees that work for them. And since we in this country have tied health insurance to working, which I could go on for length on why that is literal definition of "road to hell is paved with good intentions", it means that access to needed care becomes more limited.

It also violates stock holders because of a couple of reasons. First - their religious beliefs might not be the same as the person in charge yet they own part of the company as well. Second - it can directly impact hiring of people to work for the company potentially cause the loss of good talent that would improve the company and in turn the stock. Third - a real obvious one but pregnant (especially unexpected and unwanted) and sick people cost more, both in terms of health care but also all the other aspects such as absenteeism and "being present" syndrome. That impacts productivity and profits.

But all I heard was the cost to the company in price of these additional mandated services and personal freedom of the company in the debate. I never heard about the rest. And that's because that was the narrative that was being pushed, oddly enough including in the "liberal" media. All I ever heard was that medicine should between a doctor and their patient. Well yes, duh. But there are actual costs involve on the other side that no one would bring up that were just as real as the costs that were being brought up on the no side.

So many of the arguments I see in media and especially on here, fail to do a true cost/benefit analysis when people say we can't afford to do something. And I always assumed it was because people are just pushing their agenda and points of view. But now, when people can't seem to catch the MASSIVE cost to the economy that will happen if we open up to early in this pandemic, a real economic cost, not even talking lives, but a crippling economic impact that we have seen play out before when the public panics, I'm thinking people just don't know to look for those potential costs.

I'm not sure how to solve for it other than for the love of God turn off the 24 hour news (I find them all horrible-more interested in spin and takes than actual facts they can point to for us to verify that they aren't just pulling things out of their bums) and lets build in critical thinking skills and economics into elementary school and make those the basis for all the other tests. Test for math and reading by having them dissect a story problem to determine if the source is reliable, if they have all the information they need to determine the cost of maintaining or making the change. Then do the analysis and have them say whether their view matches the analysis results and if so or not so, why. At least we will know they can read, comprehend, calculate things and then communicate their opinion in a coherent way - and we all need to know these to be good functioning citizens of a democracy.

I think we are all capable of being this, of being able to learn these skills. And in turn, we stop needing to yell into the void our opinions to have people agree with us and fight and be cruel to those who don't. We stop taking people questioning our rationale or take on a problem as personal, and be open to the fact, that maybe, we just simply don't have all the information prior to have the "right" take. Believing in lowering taxes or free child care are not moral superiority or failings, they simply are policy takes that need to truly analyze the costs for what they are from all sides, not just the obvious one, and then determine if the cost of inaction or action is the greater to society. The math can be hard to do, I totally get that, but the concept shouldn't be and certainly the discussion after the analysis shouldn't be entirely based on spiting those "libtards" or "Republic scum". I mean honestly, if you make decisions entirely on being reactionary to someone else, you are never going to be happy or at peace because you are fundamentally giving all your thinking and opinions to someone else to control. Whether you follow the cult leader or do the exact opposite of what the cult leader says, you are still fundamentally following a cult leader.

I also just think it is much easier to control people who don't have these skills than those who do.

But then again I read 1984 in 6th grade and it became my favorite book since, so maybe I'm just paranoid. Maybe I just need to accept it and get into the Group Think already and be a dick more often to people who don't agree with me on things. It would probably be a lot easier.

“The best books... are those that tell you what you know already.”

― George Orwell, 1984

“Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one's mind simultaneously, and accepting both of them.”

― George Orwell, 1984

“Orthodoxy means not thinking--not needing to think. Orthodoxy is unconsciousness.”

― George Orwell, 1984

“Until they become conscious they will never rebel, and until after they have rebelled they cannot become conscious.”

― George Orwell, 1984

Things I hope we learn/not forget about when all of this is over

This has been a weird year and keeps getting weirder. These are some of the things I hope we learn, not forget and do right going forward.

1 - tying healthcare to employment is a bi-product of the wage freeze that happened during WWII. It isn't how it "was always done" or "motivates people to not be lazy". In fact it discourages entrepreneurship, makes it harder for companies to compete in a global market and has been one of the main reasons for inflation in healthcare costs (lots of studies around this). Can we all just acknowledge that we might need to rethink this one?

2 - We are global. Cat's out of the bag, it's never going back. Start dealing with what the world is, not what you want it to be.

3 - Supply side economic policies, though essential, must be balanced with demand side economic policies. It's not an either or. Companies are nothing without people to buy their stuff and workers to make it. And when you sway too far one way or the other, the economy gets warped and less able to adapt. We are watching it play out right now.

4 - all those folks who people are posting memes about thanking what are normally low wage workers, a good percentage are receiving government assistance in some manner. Most of our "social programs" help those who do work full time but don't make enough and work for places that don't offer things like health insurance. Next year, there is a good chance these same heroes in your memes will be stuck because they made a lot with overtime this year that they might not qualify next year for programs, even though they will not make the same amount next year. Don't punish them next year for the one good thing happening to them considering how much risk they are in. We all go to the grocery stores, we know what the average range of the workers there are. Don't be a dick.

5 - Science education is essential. Science education teaches people how to question, how to research and basics like why washing your damn hands is important. People didn't seem to know that there are over 320,000 viruses that can impact mammals, that viruses mutate all the damn time (like hello the flu and the common cold is not each 1 virus, but mutating like F'rs that are constantly changing) and immunity is a really big dead is really really really depressing to find out now. This is like measles for Europeans and the Native Americans, measles was bad for Europeans but they had a built up level of immunity because of decades of exposure, that wasn't the case for Native Americans, and Covid-19 is in the no immunity phase. The fact that people didn't know how washing your hands kills germs works blew my mind.

6 - Math education is essential. Exponential is a big deal. 2x10 is 20, 2 to the 10 is 1,024. Math education is essential because it is going to take that learning how to do research and questioning and help you then understand what you're reading. A study that only has 12 subjects is not concrete. Especially when the group they represent includes roughly 1.3 million people. It helps to understand that if a death rate is a "low" 1.5% of infected and 8-12% needed to be on ventilators for 1-2 weeks, is a highly contagious disease because it has a transmission rate of 2.1 per 1 infected and we 62,000 ventilators in the US for a population of 327 million with some already in use for other diseases, maybe, the goal of trying to slow the roll of Covid-19 was so that way we as a country didn't need to determine who lives and who dies because there would be no ventilators to put not just Covid-19 cases but all the other people who might need a ventilator.

Sorry, we think the economy is taking a hit now, can you imagine the fear that would happen if you knew you went out and got in a car accident that might need to put you on a ventilator for a day or two because your lung was injured would do to society? That getting sick, any kind of sick, might mean no matter how great your insurance is you might not get treatment? People who saw friends battling and winning against cancer dropping because their immune system was so shot that this virus that is still WAY less deadly than measles takes them out. That having a baby in a hospital became a no go because infants really don't have much of an immunity. Like seriously, think about what people would do. Yeah, that's why DeWine is the Shit. He can math and he hires people who science.

Overcoming the Negative

This summer was a lot. Not because of anything specific, but more because I got in my own head and prevented myself from moving forward. In a downward spiral of negativity, I focused on what I didn’t like and what I didn’t have instead of all the positives and all the possibilities. It is something I quite often do, especially when I am not careful whom I am around. They can impact me in two different ways but both mess with my motivation, drive and overall well-being.

One - I get wrapped in stupid shit. This is normally things like gossip, melodrama and poor me syndrome. Now I fully acknowledge that the quickest way to find someone who LOVES drama is someone who complains about other peoples drama. And drama can be amazingly addictive. I think it is because it reminds of us of the intense feelings we had when we were teens so it artificially inflates things to a level of importance it just simply isn’t.

Your SO is refusing to go somewhere unless you meet their demands even though you made a commitment to go? Yeah…well…the fact you are dating them says A LOT about your desire for drama because that is an incredibly immature power play there and either way you handle that, you loose. Like sincerely. But then again, the fact that you tolerate being treated that way says you’re addicted to the drama. Because, honestly, who acts that way who has aged out of high school?

And oddly enough a version of that scenario I watched play out and it slapped me silly. Especially given the odd texts I got while it was all playing out. I was just a friend and yet somehow I am now having to deal with the spill over of that level of crazy? Yeah, no. I don’t think I have been that level of pissed in years.

But that’s the thing about drama. It was clear they couldn’t see it. It was clear others there couldn’t see it. I on the other hand was getting text messages helping another friend through her father’s illness that scared her that he might die. Now that is something to be upset over. That is something to throw a temper tantrum over and pout and demand that others who claim to love you step up. That is actually real. That is a moment where if she asked me to handle the spill over from that, I wouldn’t even hesitate because that isn’t an ask, it’s a call for help that is real.

The other way is the YOU ARE WRONG SHUT THE F UP way. I talk with a lot of people all the time. Their opinions vary and most of the time I don’t really care. Unless you opinion says X shouldn’t exist and we should get rid of them, I really don’t care enough to argue. But there are some people in my life were I have to deal with their opinions and more importantly their behavior about those opinions that make me want to scream.
I want to scream you SPOILED SELF INDULGENT HYPOCRITES. These are the people who will whine about being busy but yet don’t actually get all that much done and their list of things to do seem inflated. Nope, I have worked 60 hour weeks while raising a kid, having a dying parent and going to school. I do know what busy is. And even then I got my shit done. Your to-do list sounds like maybe if you prioritized the work over gossiping, social media and complaining about how busy you are, then maybe you wouldn’t be so busy. Or the “those people” are the problem. Now this goes both ways the “they just need to do X and it would solve their problems” such as if they just buckled down they would be able to afford a house and then stop complaining. Or the throw the baby out with the bathwater group in the “The system is all evil so it must be torn down and that will fix the problem”. I oddly enough find these two do seem to be generational. It is so funny to me how much Boomers and Millennials are EXACTLY alike and yet hate each other so much.
Now I don’t like getting into these discussions but as a Gen Xer myself, I am sandwiched between the two and it drives me insane.
Don’t complain about lack of opportunities when I literally watch you squander all the amazing opportunities you have with really pathetic excuses. And don’t claim that because you did it they should be able to do it, I have to come set up your damn TV, the world is A LOT DIFFERENT. Now I am not saying it is anyone specific though I am assuming you are assuming it is my family. Yes, some of it is, but I am on social media and holy crap the amount absolutely dumb shit people post that fit this categories.
And that impacts my mindset. Because I can turn off my social media but I can’t turn off the real people interactions I have to have. And this is insane. If you are using all, none, always or never and it isn’t science or math based discussion, I am immediately thinking you are an idiot. If you are quoting a meme as if it is fact, I am immediately thinking you are an idiot. If you start a phrase with don’t take this the wrong way or no offense but I am immediately thinking you are a condensing idiot.

And that puts me in a mood. A horribly rotten negative mood where I think, I’m glad the planet is going to kill us all off because obviously it should all end. Which is not the right mood to be in. Besides the obvious reason of no, I don’t really want humanity to die out, the other is it makes me numb and comfortable with mediocrity.
That kills my creativity, my drive, my experimental nature and my call to adventure. Which then makes me more miserable.
So - how do I address this. Well first, I need to see if I can be in people’s lives who like drama without being a part of it. I have a feeling that will be a no. Even if they sincerely see me as a friend, my value goes down if I don’t validate the drama, so I will hear from them less and less. And if I mirror their level of engagement with me, then it will resolve itself. Either the friendship is real or it isn’t.
As for the complaining generalists, obviously less social media. Snooze A LOT of people. Less engagement with those who’s complaining I find like nails on a chalkboard. Maybe focus on specific discussion points as to avoid areas that will lead to their rants. The thing so many people fail to understand is that you have the right to your opinion and I have the right to judge you mercilessly for it and there is no guarantee I will be kind. This is why up until social media’s big bang, people rarely shared their opinions outside their closest loved ones who could easily call bullshit on you for being an idiot or think you are brilliant because you share the same opinion. Or if you are really lucky, love you in spite of your idiot opinion because they have gotten to know you and understand where the opinion comes from.
But now, no. I don’t care. Put your opinion away. No one cares.

And on that note, I will stop spewing my opinion all over a blog I don’t even let people post comments on, lol.

Random Thoughts about Friendship

I have always been very lucky to have awesome friends. I have friends from 3rd grade who I am still friends with because they are fun, sweet and well worth the effort. And I have made a lot of friends throughout my life. Some have been in my life for a shorter period of time than others but all had an impact on me.


Friendship can be tricky. Especially as you grow. You go through different stages in your life and sometimes they don’t line up. That can be really hard. You love a person but when you don’t see the world through the same lens because your priorities are different, it takes even more work to stay together. Sometimes that is worth it.

Other times its not.

As I have gotten older I have gotten a lot less tolerate of self-induced drama. Don’t get me wrong, some drama will come into a person’s life no matter what they do. Illnesses, child issues, divorces, work problems can all cause massive drama for someone who never wanted it in the first place. Those friends need all the love and support I can give them. Sometimes I am not the best at always being there but I do try.

But other times, some friends seek out drama. They get into relationships that are bad for them. Or worse, have on again off again relationships with a person that is clearly as deep into the drama as they are. I had a friend who did this for years. Years. They never talked about the hard stuff like do you want kids, what are your thoughts on marriage, etc. But yet they kept going back to each other even though it was a mess.

Now I try not to judge on relationships because I am far from good at them, but damn it was rough. I would get calls asking my opinion where it was really really clear the goal was that I say “oh that person is bad for you”. But then right back to them.


That gets tiring real quick. I want to support a person to be better. And I am a fixer by nature. So eventually I stopped responding. I let the friendship die. It needed to. My life likes to create drama by doing things like getting calls at 11pm about a family member being rushed to the ER or someone dying suddenly. It happens way more than I would like it to (which is never but I get a call about once a month around one of these topics on average and for about a year and half if was both a month). I don’t want to deal with others self-imposed drama.

Now I can develop crushes and get moody and sometimes act like a teenage girl sometimes. But I would like to think it is not that common. And I am fine when my friends do the same. But that is once in a while and that is normal. But when all you talk about how this sucks or that sucks or how this person is horrible, it is straight up draining.

I want to talk about goals and ambitions. I want to talk about crazy dreams and do deep dives on movie plots. Or how great a song is or how you were able to lift a new weight. Those things are awesome and I am always there for that. But if it is all negative and yet never really your fault. Well I will go with a modified version of the old saying - if everyone in your life is all about that drama, the common factor is you.

And what’s worse is that when I am with negative people I can become negative myself. So it puts me in the drama camp and I really don’t like that. I would rather see a play or movie for drama than live it.

So I focus on people in my life who want the same things. To be better. To be stronger. To be kind. They ground me and push me to be a better person.

But sometimes that means I need to cut people from my life no matter how long I have known them or in all honesty, how much I love them. Because boundaries aren’t about making others angry, they are about showing yourself respect.


Dating in your 40s - What I want in a guy

“So what are you looking for on this site?” Is probably the most common statement I get besides Hi on Hinge. Totally get it, it is a completely reasonable question. Problem is the answer is a bit tricky. My normal response is “To meet new people, and hopefully, meet someone special I can have a relationship with”.

Does it get more beauty contestant answer than that?

But it is a hard thing to say. I would like a relationship, it is my default. I have never been a “let’s keep it casual” kind of gal and one night stands scare the hell out of me. I mean, what if the guy is a serial killer? Plus one night stands seem great and all when you don’t want to focus on building something with another person. It addresses specific needs, no real commitment issues, heck, can be back home and sleep in your own bed. But for me, it has some serious downsides.

Let’s set aside the whole if you liked it you don’t get to hit it again issue and of course the whole have to use protection issue, my attraction to guys is not normally a physical one. Oh, don’t get me wrong, I can appreciate a good looking guy. But there are certain things that aren’t physical that can REALLY get me going. Like passion. Honestly, listening to a guy talk passionately about what they love, whether it is something like old construction equipment, comics, computers or boxing is amazing. I have never understood the old “Oh listening to him talk about X is just so boring”. Sure if it is the same story you have heard or the 18th time, I get that. But when a guy is talking about something he is passionate about and you see that spark in their eyes twinkling with excitement, oh Lord, dunk me in cold water.

And that is a big problem for me. Because when I see that passion, I want to help them grow it. I want to see where it takes them. I want to see as they pursue it. Even my Hollywood crushes fall into this problem. Besides Keanu who is objectively attractive regardless, most of what gets me is comedians. You can tell they have truly honed their craft and when they speak about something off the cuff they are passionate about, I’m done. Jon Stewart retiring from the Daily Show was the best thing to happen to me because I could more easily go to sleep at night.

So that leaves the answer. What am I looking for. Well, I always had hard age limits but with the volume of younger guys messaging me I started to talk to some a bit. I still don’t think it will go anywhere because frankly it is hard when you have two people in different spots in their lives. I am a mom through and through. For a person who has never had a kid, that can be a hard thing to get. Not because there is something wrong or anything but because put bluntly, when you have someone’s life in your hands literally your priorities shift. It just does. And there are very few other potential scenarios were that comes into play as hardcore as being a parent.

Which is why realistically I see myself dating a single dad. I love kids so if it got serious and I met his, I don’t think it would be an issue to love them as if they were my own.

My mom always says I need to find a guy who we are equally yoked. To help explain you yoke your animals that are pulling a cart or a carriage. so if you have two horses pulling a carriage they need to be not only be pacing at the same rate, they need to have the weight equally distributed and the harnesses at the same length. I know, its odd, but my mom is really into British tv and this is definitely from period pieces. But I get the concept. I need to be in a relationship where we are both in it the same amount. Where the expectations for the relationship is the same. And we need to be similarly paced. That one is a biggie. I have had a tendency to date men who weren’t as motivated as I am. Not to make money, though having a job is important in some sense, I mean motivated to do things. To be better. To grow. To hustle. To try new things. This has been a common complaint across my entire family, lol. As I was told by one sibling “For the love of God stop choosing men that make you slow down instead of keeping pace”. I like having crazy goals and trying to become a better version of me. So I need a guy who is wants to do the same so we can get better together.

There are others things as well, like I need to have some things in common with them. Whether we both love movies, or books, or walking in the sand, or going to concerts, or playing video games, or taking pictures at the zoo, or wandering the art museum (okay, that one I kinda like to do alone), or own way to many books, or run 5ks (slowly for me, lol) or go to the gym together, or trying new restaurants or something else in my laundry list of things I enjoy, which is a lot, there has to be something. I am totally down for trying other things he might enjoy, but it also needs to be mutual, at least trying something once. And having at least one thing we have to do together immediately makes it easier to spend time together besides the normal sit at a bar or sit at home watching tv.

But these aren’t really things you can say on an app in short text messages back and forth. It is either there or it isn’t. So it makes it difficult to honestly answer that question.

What I want is a connection. A real one. A deep one. A look into each others eyes and see who they actually are not who they pretend to be for the world. A I can curl up into his arms and cry when I am at my wits end connection. A I love you for who you are and who you want to become level connection.

I don’t know if that is out there. Or if it is if they will even want a relationship or to be in one with me. But I do like going for crazy goals so I guess I need to try.

Dating in your 40s aka at least I’ll get some good stories out of it?

I am 41 and single. I have had a few long term relationships with good men, but nothing was the right fit. And I am a bit picky. I love my life and I want to make sure that the person who comes into it will be a good fit for it, not just to have someone.

So that has left me in the dating world. And that has made me realize a few things.

One, being single leaves you open for crushes that can really feel like you are a teen again and that is rough. I have been dealing with a crush on a really awesome guy for a bit now. It is not feasible because he is not interested in me in that way, or at least I don’t think he is. And I am not willing to ask to figure it out. He is currently really helping me become a better person. He is helping me work on my fears and overcome the blocks in my head to be a healthier person. There are moments I want to grab his face and kiss him. But I won’t because I am not willing to risk loosing him and the relationship we have now by scaring the crap out of him with trying to awkwardly hit on him. That wouldn’t be fair to him. And then I would loose someone who is making a real difference in my life.

But those feelings can be intense in the stupidest ways imaginable. I am not 13, what the hell. I am a logical professional woman so why does he pop in my head so much. It’s very weird. I thought I would have outgrown this by now.

Crushes, ugh

Crushes, ugh

So there’s that aspect. Then there is a the option aspect. I have been on dates with men where it is clear from the get-go they have “options” and that they want to pretty much have all of it. I went on date with a guy who at first seemed great. Then towards the end of the date he started to treat it like a wrap up to an interview. Tells me about the other dates he has had and ones he has scheduled. He wants a second date but will contact me later in the week to schedule after his other dates.

Okay, so, there is a lot to unpack there but obviously, I was a no to a second date because WTF. Listen, I am not saying people should be committed after the first date. Far from it. Take your damn time and figure out if it is a good match. When people are all in right away they freak me out too. But this? This was so inappropriate. I get people have options, whether it our age or the times we live in, it is what is true. And it is very true for men. They can date way younger than themselves and people just assume they have money or the girl has daddy issues. Some men really embrace the McConaughey “Dazed and Confused” philosophy.

But you don’t treat people that way. That is just not okay. I am a choice not an option. So don’t treat people like they have to compete for the position of being with you. That is just not cool.

Then there is the issue of being old fashioned. I really like it when men take the lead. Like a lot. I want to be asked out on an actual date. Not let’s hang out but an actual date. I was in the bookstore and saw a book I almost got for my kid and randomly flipped open to this page:

The book is called How Not to be a Dick. And I literally took a pic of the page and sent it to a friend. I was laughing because this is dead on. I want a guy to show he is interested and to make it clear. No, flirt flirt flirt not hear from ya or talk about another girl while getting drinks. How am I to know what you are aiming for if you are being all vague.

Sometimes a gal just wants a guy to just go for it and kiss her. That can really clear up the confusion.


I dated a guy who never planned a date. I take that back we dated for over three years and he did plan about a dozen dates. All good, I liked them. But in three years that was a drop in the bucket in comparison to the amount we went out. His go to line when I would ask what he wants to eat or where he wants to go? “Whatever my baby wants”. Your baby wants you to make up your damn mind. Even on the vacation he was taking me on, I booked the tickets, the hotel, etc. Oh, he would give input saying why my choices wouldn’t work that well, but did he actually make a decision. No.

Now I am not saying that a guy needs to always make every decision or plan everything but show some initiative. It gets old fast.

There are some other things, like online dating and why in the world men half my age ask me out (like honestly, why?), but I think I will hold off and do other posts on those. Until then, have fun :)